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Czech artist going to prison for his work?

pic: Ztohoven, photos: Roman Týc

Roman Týc is a nickname of a young Czech visual artist, member of the Ztohoven group.
Ztohoven are known for their controversial art which has brought them a lot of media exposure and also problems with the authorities.
In 2007, the artist who works under the pseudonym Roman Týc, changed the traffic lights in Prague, exchanging the usual figures for the ones you see at the picture next to our article, and we also bring aou a photo gallery of the said traffic lights after his deed. 
He had to pay for the repairs, and also was fined 60 000 CZK.
Tyc decided not to pay the fine and is to serve a  prison sentence of 30 days instead, starting this Friday February 24.
There are numerous protest activities taking shape. 
Bábovka pro Týce (Cake for Týc) is an activity of people who want to bake cakes and bring or send them to Prague's Pankrác prison where Týc is to serve is sentence. (Its facebook page is at
Czech musicians are working on a compilation called Prison Blues - the list includes several internationally known names: Ecstasy of St. Theresa, Bratři Orffové, Foolk, Imodium, Chancers, Houpací koně, Lus3, Niceland, Rudovou, Swordfishtrombones, Hentai Corporation, the Colorblinds. The list of the musicians involved is at the protest's page at
We are closely watching the case and will keep the readers updated.
We also think that artists should not be imprisoned for their work and wrote an open letter to the president Václav Klaus.

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